Goblet / Iga-Glazed / Kyoto / Murakoshi Takuma
Arai-Clay Iga Glazed Goblets(Left On Reserve) by Murakoshi Takuma/Previews
Murakoshi Takuma (b.1954) uses a very arai(rough) Shigaraki clay just as it is, we love the texture he creates with it on his works. Murakoshi has a controlled wildness within his works like that of Koie Ryoji. Murakoshi tops the brilliant 'tsuji aji' clay flavor body with a jewel-like Iga glaze; brilliant. Here are two Murakoshi goblets that are powerful statements in clay indeed. Each in perfect condition, hefty, 15.5cm.tall, boxes extra. Additional photos and details of other works gladly sent upon request.