Morino Taimei–1970s
Here is a rare 1970s work by Morino Taimei. In perfect condition with a signed box, signed on base. For more on this important Kyoto ceramic artist please check our archives or a quick Google search; museum piece.
Blue/Gold Glazed Work by Morino Taimei
Kyoto’s Morino Taimei(b.1934) is one of Japan’s most celebrated ceramic artists domestically and internationally. One of his signature glaze schemes is seen on this blue and gold work. His works are in public and private collections worldwide. In perfect condition, 25cm.tallx14.1,… More
Shimaoka Tatsuzo and Morino Taimei
Two legends, Shimaoka Tatsuzo(1919-2007) and Morino Taimei(b.1934). Each a classic representation of their best works; the Shimaoka is 27cm.tallx19.3×16.2 and is On Reserve. The Morino is 27.1cm.tallx21.6cm.x20.1cm. Both in perfect condition with signed boxes.