Glazed Neriage Jar by Matsui Kosei
Matsui Kosei(1927-2003) was designated a Living National Treasure for his neriage marbled ware in 1993. Here is a rare shinsha red-iron brown nerigae Matsui jar in perfect condition with a signed box, 26cm.tallx26cm., stamped on base, delivery included.
Neriage Jar by LNT Matsui Kosei
Matsui Kosei (1927-2003) was designated a Living National Treasure for his neriage marbled ware in 1993. Here is a early-mid 1970s spiraling pattern Matsui jar in perfect condition with a signed box, 32.2cm.tallx29cm., stamped on base where there is a superficial firing crack.
Neriage Guinomi by LNT Matsui Kosei
Matsui Kosei(1927-2003) was designated a Living National Treasure for his multi-colored neriage marbled ware in 1993. Now I’ve seen a rainbow of colors on his work, some are unbelievably beautiful and moving, while others are a bit too much for me in terms of color combinations; nonetheless,… More
Neriage Jar by Matsui Koyo
Matsui Koyo(b.1962) is the son of Living National Treasure Matsui Kosei (1927-2003) and continues in the intricate neriage-marbled wares created by his father. Here is such a splendor of a jar, in perfect condition, 23.5cm.tallx27cm. signed on base with a signed box; dates to 2016.
Neriage Jar by Nishimura Naoki
Our first addition to the new web gallery, a multi-colored neriage jar by northern Kyoto-based ceramic artist Nishimura Naoki, in perfect condition, 20.5cm.tallx15.5, signed on base, box extra. We also have a chawan and three guinomi. Also a test to see if I got this new software down!