Shino Chawan by Sakai Kobu
Toki City (Gifu Prefecture) Intangible Cultural Property Sakai Kobu’s (b.1936) kiln is SO small he hardly ever fires anything larger than a chawan or sake cup. Also at 82 he’s firing only once a year and here are some recent works, plus a 2014 large–for his kiln–squat jar…. More
Into Summer—Three Large Jars
Here is a most wonderful tsubo-large jar trio, left Shigaraki’s Furutani Kazuya, middle the largest Shimaoka we’ve ever seen, and right an indigo blue Shino by Sakai Hiroshi (three smaller works too, vase, tokkuri(Sold) and guinomi(Sold)). All in perfect condition, more photos/details… More