Shigaraki-Hidasuki Tokkuri by Tsuji Seimei
Tsuji Seimei (1927-2008) loved to drink sake and was known as the Yokozuna Sake Drinker of the East; Yokozuna of course referring to the highest ranking in Sumo. Our gallery has handled quite a few Tsuji tokkuri yet few as large and bold as this one, and also with a hidasuki rope straw firing… More
Two Jars by Tsuji Seimei
Tsuji Seimei (1927-2008) made a lot of work in his lifetime yet surprisingly few tsubo-jars, as a matter of fact at the 2017 major Tsuji retrospective held at the Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Crafts Gallery out of 152 displayed pieces there were only two tsubo and one was a lidded one. So here are… More
Kato Yasukage XIV and Tsuji Seimei
Two legends, a spiraling Shino vase by Kato Yasukage XIV (1964-2012) and a sublime Shigaraki hidasuki(rare straw wrapping marks) by Tsuji Seimei(1927-2008). Each in perfect condition with signed boxes, the Kato is 32 cm. tall x 12.5cm. and is Sold. The Tsuji chawan is 9cm.tallx11.2 cm. and is Sold,… More
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Echizen Jar-Tsubo by Masudaya Kosei
We’ve hardly ever seen a more hauntingly beautiful Echizen jar in over three decades in Japan, of all styles for that matter. Masudaya Kosei (b.1950) is the artist. A wonderful variety of ash effects especially over the shoulders are one highlight of this tsubo-jar. Masudaya established his… More
Shigaraki Hachi-Bowl by Tsuji Seimei
An absolute gallery favorite, Tsuji Seimei(1927-2008). The kushime-comb-markings on this spouted bowl are alive, swirling and creating a rich emotional painting of sorts very much highlighted by the orange-red hidasuki straw markings and the whiteness of the pure Shigaraki clay. In perfect… More
Shigaraki Mizusashi by Tsuji Seimei
A first for RYYG, a Tsuji Seimei Shigaraki mizusashi; in perfect condition with a signed box, dating to the late 70s, 20.5cm.tallx25cm.x19.5, signed on side. More about this legend with a quick web search. Museum.
Shigaraki Tokkuri by Tsuji Seimei
Here is a rare firing of a Shigaraki tokkuri by the late, great Tsuji Seimei (1927-2008). It has exhibition stickers on the base, so was a favored piece to exhibit; full ripe form. In perfect condition, 14,2cm.tallx10.5cm. wide, signed on base, no box.
Shigaraki Guinomi by Tsuji Seimei
Tsuji Seimei(1927-2008) was a ceramic artist who walked with the gods; his work is pure Japanese aesthetics; a retrospective exhibition was held at The National Museum of Modern Art Crafts Gallery, Tokyo last autumn. Here is a rare Ido ‘deep well’ Tsuji Shigaraki guinomi with his… More
Shigaraki Yabure-Tsubo-Jar by Sawa Kiyotsugu
Sawa Kiyotsugu(b.1948) is a Shigaraki veteran who makes powerful works, often under the radar of most collectors. Like the famous Iga ripped and torn Yaburebukuro mizusashi from the 16th century, this Sawa jar shares the same unbridled energy. The firing is classic Shigaraki, Sawa uses very rough… More
E-Karatsu Chawan by Tsuji Seimei
Here is a delightful e-Karatsu (iron-underglaze design) chawan by the legendary Tsuji Seimei(1927-2008). In perfect condition with a signed box, 8cm.tallx13.2-14cm., signed on base.