News & Announcements
From the Family—Works by Furutani Michio
UPDATE: Works Online.
Fall and all the dazzling colors it brings is in full swing here in Kyoto, and we hope this finds all visitors to RYYG mighty genki (fine). In a surprise call to RYYG and honored to have this chance, we’ll be offering works from the estate of the late, great Furutani Michio in Dec. Here is a preview photo of works to be seen. All will come with boxes signed by his wife and this is the first time for these works to be seen, all dating from his last years. More about one of RYYG’s all-time favorite artists can be read by searching at
Greetings from Kyoto – August Newsletter
It’s been many a moon since I last sent out a newsletter and I sincerely hope this finds all reading this in good spirits. Here in Kyoto it’s quite hot indeed, yet even in this heat artists are working and firing gearing up for the autumn-culture season, as we here at the gallery as well.
Before that happens though some news to share, the first of which is a completely new web gallery look! Thanks to the fine work of the team at Resourcecode we’re now mobile friendly, have a brighter look and for those that can visit us in person a photo by photo guidance file that leads to our door. Please have a look when you can and please do send me any feedback-comments, much appreciated.
Lots of US museum exhibitions on the horizon for contemporary Japanese ceramics and one that I’ll be attending in late September and giving a talk at will be at the Denver Art Museum. Please see this link for more details.
One of our favorite ceramic artists who is re-shaping a tradition is Goto Hideki (b.1963). Goto has taken a traditional Shino chawan form, expanded it, ripped it and given it a sculptural power never seen before in Shino. Here are two of eight Goto Shino shell forms at the gallery now. We’re happy to send photos of the others and details, simply email Robert.
Also, we have *many* works here not shown on the web gallery, if you’re looking for something—a form, style, age, etc—and don’t find it on the web gallery please do email Robert to enquire.
Also, please do follow the gallery on Facebook and Instagram, the latter where I post photos when I’m on the yakimono road.
With that I wish you a very pleasant season wherever you are and thank you tremendously for your interest and support of the gallery and the artists; culture is alive. To quote Plato, “Beautiful objects therefore have a really important function. They invite us to evolve in their direction, to become as they are. Beauty can educate our souls.”
Kansha always,