Shino Box by Hori Ichiro
Hori Ichiro(b.1952) is one of Japan’s finest Mino potters who is well-known for his Shino, Ki-Seto and Setoguro works. Here is a Hori Shino box, perfect condition, signed box, 14cm.tallx24cm., signed on base.
Hagi–and Other Styles–Shuki Sake Vessels by Suizu Kazuyuki.
Suizu Kazuyuki drove up from Hagi today and RYYG selected some very fine sake vessels–and three larger jars (including Chosen-Karatsu) recently made. Suizu(b.1960) started his career in 1982 and has mainly exhibited at major national department store galleries such as Mitsukoshi and Tenmaya…. More
Hagi Tokkuri by Miwa Kyusetsu X (Kyuwa)
Miwa Kyusetsu X (1895-1981), later known as Kyuwa, was the first Living National Treasure of Hagi -the second was his younger brother Miwa Kyusetsu XI (Jusetsu). Quite simply, he did what LNT Kaneshige Toyo did for Bizen, or what LNT Nakazato Muan did for Karatsu. He is a legendary figure, and… More
Hagi Chawan by Kaneta Masanao
Here is a recently-fired Hagi chawan by Kaneta Masanao (b.1953). One of the most influential Hagi ‘potters’ today (as many know), Kaneta is an 8th-generation Hagi artist; in a nutshell, he has given the traditional Hagi tea world a very sculptural feel with his kurinuki carved out… More
Two Chawan—Furutani and Arimoto
Here are two chawan from two of the finest chawan ceramic artists in Japan today, Shigaraki by Furutani Kazuya and Shino by Arimoto Kuugen. Arimoto (b.1963) is based in Hiroshima, yet uses the finest Mino mogusa clay that he personally went to locate in the hills of Tajimi. Arimoto is a passionate… More
Rare Hagi Guinomi by Koyama Fujio
One of the most important figures in 20th century Japanese ceramics was Koyama Fujio (1900-1975); you can read about him on in an article I wrote for the Japan Times about a retrospective Koyama exhibition at the Idemitsu Museum (add www. to… More
Iron-Oribe Glazed Squat Jar-Henko by Hamanaka Gesson
Hamanaka Gesson (b.1943) is a multi-talented ceramic artist who established his Hagi kiln in 1969; he’s had an amazing career ever since with fans throughout Japan and the world. He’s known not only for his traditional Hagi wares yet also for his hybrids where he combines various glazes… More
Hagi Kakehanaire-Hanging Vase by Miwa Kazuhiko
Greetings from sultry Kyoto and back to the gallery we are, hope everyone enjoyed a bit of down-fun summer time as well (in the northern hemisphere). Here is a wedge-forme classic Miwa Kazuhiko (b.1951) Hagi white glazed hanging vase with a copper insert. A striking piece and not very common for… More
Four Sake Cups by Ogawa Machiko
Ogawa Machiko (b.1946) is a very influential potter in the contemporary Japanese ceramic scene, as many know. In a past ceramic art journal here in Japan she was also named one of the top 50 ceramic artists in Japan today. Here are four of her sake cups, two in a platinum glaze, one in a gold-glaze… More
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Hagi Yunomi by Miwa Kyusetsu (Kyuwa) X
Miwa Kyusetsu X (1895-1981), later known as Kyuwa, was the first Living National Treasure of Hagi -the second was his younger brother Miwa Kyusetsu XI (1910-2012). Quite simply, he did what LNT Kaneshige Toyo did for Bizen, or what LNT Nakazato Muan did for Karatsu. He is a legendary figure, and… More