Oribe Ewer by Ikeda Shogo
A master of contemporary Oribe, Ikeda Shogo. Just in time for bamboo shoot season here in Japan his whimiscal and mastery created ewer. It’s 14.5 cm. tall and 16cm.x14.5 across. Box would be extra if wanted, about 5,000 yen.
Shino Box by Hori Ichiro
Hori Ichiro(b.1952) is one of Japan’s finest Mino potters who is well-known for his Shino, Ki-Seto and Setoguro works. Here is a Hori Shino box, perfect condition, signed box, 14cm.tallx24cm., signed on base.
Kato Yasukage XIV and Tsuji Seimei
Two legends, a spiraling Shino vase by Kato Yasukage XIV (1964-2012) and a sublime Shigaraki hidasuki(rare straw wrapping marks) by Tsuji Seimei(1927-2008). Each in perfect condition with signed boxes, the Kato is 32 cm. tall x 12.5cm. and is Sold. The Tsuji chawan is 9cm.tallx11.2 cm. and is Sold,… More
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Red Shino Guinomi by LNT Suzuki Osamu
Here is a bold aka-Shino guinomi by Living National Treasure Suzuki Osamu(b.1934). In perfect condition with a signed box.
Kohiki Chawan by Arakawa Toyozo
One of the most gifted potters and scholars Japan has ever known was Arakawa Toyozo(1894-1985). He was named a Living National Treasure in 1955 for Shino and Black Seto. He also was associated with some of the other greatest potters of his day including Miwa Kyusetsu, Kawakita Handeshi, Kato… More
Exhibited Work by Kiyomizu Rokubey VIII
Dating from a long lineage of Kyoto potters, the eighth in the line was born Masahiro in 1954. In 2000 he ascended to his family’s honored name of Rokubey (sometimes seen spelled as Rokubei) and this important work was shown at that celebrated exhibition in Tokyo and Kyoto. It shows his… More
Yashichida-Oribe Tall Tokkuri Pair by Kato Yasukage XIV
Here is a very rare–first we’ve ever seen–Yashichida-Oribe tokkuri pair by Kato Yasukage XIV (1964-2012) who was one of the most celebrated Mino ceramic artists of the day. Yashichi-Oribe is one Oribe style not oft seen, known for having spontaneous brush designs and glaze… More
Living National Treasures Kato Kozo and Kaneshige Toyo
Kato Kozo(b.1935) is a Mino potter in the purest sense. He does many things the old way, like his stick-turned wheel and Momoyama period style kiln, and the way he handles himself; humble, sincere, natural, and confident. This character also comes out in his works, which has earned him a sterling… More
Enbu and Murasakinio Shino by Yamada Kazu
It’s been some years since RYYG has had any Yamada Kazu (b.1954) Enbu–Dancing Fire–and Murasaki-nioi–The Scent of Purple (based on Kato Tokuro’s chawan)–vessels.
Oribe Tokkuri-Vase by Suzuki Goro
Surely a list of Japan’s most prolific ceramic artists of the past 100 years has to include Suzuki Goro (b.1941); a quick net search will show many results of the reasons why, or have a read here: http://www.e-yakimono.net/html/suzuki-goro.htm Here is a classic Suzuki Oribe tokkuri with a… More