Celadon Jar by Shimizu Uichi
Shimizu Uichi (1926-2004) was named a Living National Treasure in 1985 for his iron-glazes, of which celadon is one. Here’s classical Shimizu deep-crackled celadon jar dating to the 1970s, stamped on base, perfect condition with a signed box, 18cm.tallx20.5.
Into Summer—Three Large Jars
Here is a most wonderful tsubo-large jar trio, left Shigaraki’s Furutani Kazuya, middle the largest Shimaoka we’ve ever seen, and right an indigo blue Shino by Sakai Hiroshi (three smaller works too, vase, tokkuri(Sold) and guinomi(Sold)). All in perfect condition, more photos/details… More
Stacked Iga Box by Hasu Yoshitaka
One extremely hard form to create is tiered/stacked stoneware boxes and as such not often seen. That hasn’t stopped Iga’s Hasu Yoshitaka from tackling the form and he’s rather well-known for them, in fact. Here’s smaller example in three tiers. Perfect condition with a… More
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Multi-Colored Ash-Glazed Vessel by Kimata Kaoru
RYYG has been a fan of Kimata Kaoru’s (b.1967) works since moving to Kyoto. She studied in Karatsu and there mastered various ash-glazes and then made them into her own ‘blend’ as clearly seen on this multi-colored-engaging form vessel. Kimata moved her studio to Kobe in 1995 and… More
Kakurezaki Ryuichi–Shin-in(Scene)
An iconic form that Kakurezaki Ryuichi (b.1950) created in Bizen is called Shin-in (Scene) where he deconstructs a tower into supreme balance between emptiness, edginess and form; add to that a deluxe firing and here you have a most wonderful ceramic art work. In perfect condition with a signed… More
Araki Takako and Kumakura Junkichi
Araki Takako (1921-2004) was a very well-respected and collected ceramic artist who pioneered the way for many female artists in Japan. She did many sculptural works, especially of decaying bibles. This slender vase has a passage from the Bible and is a very rare-unique work because it was fired… More
Shigaraki Natural-Ash Glazed–Shizen-yu–Faceted ‘Vase’ by Koyama Kiyoko
“Koyama Kiyoko(b.1936) was born far from Shigaraki in Nagasaki prefecture; she came to Shigaraki when she was eighteen and then spent some time in Kyoto studying about Kenzan and sometsuke blue and white wares. At the age of twenty-seven she decided to pursue Shigaraki and thus entered a very… More
Tall Bizen Work by Kakurezaki Ryuichi
Here is a masterpiece/elegant work by Kakurezaki Ryuichi, in perfect condition with a signed box, 52cm.tallx24cm.x20.2, signed on base, museum quality, price includes delivery.
Cobalt Blue-Clear-Glazed Textured Jar by Hashimoto Machiko
Hashimoto Machiko is a very talented young Kyoto ceramic artist born in Kyoto in 1986. She graduated with a BFA Fine Art from Kyoto Saga University of Arts in 2009. She’s been exhibited and awarded at various exhibitions and is a very lively, ‘jazzy’ ceramic artist. This jar just… More